The Logan-Macdonald Team

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Password: tigers

MATH - Free Online Personal Math Tutor

Are you trying to help your child with math but don't remember how to do it? - Check out our textbook's online personal tutor.  It doesn't have everything that we teach - but it includes some very helpful things! :)

Coordinate Plane Interative Games


Ask your child to identify the parts of a circle for you!  We'll soon be learning how to find the Circumference and Area of a circle given the radius or diameter. 

Quiz on Circles Wednesday, December 17th. 


We've recently begun our geometry unit.  We are working on vocabulary booklets in class.  We'll be learning about the sum of interior angles of polygons, angles formed by transverals of parallel lines, and finding the area of triangles, rectangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids.  Geometry is my favorite unit to teach.  It's hands on and we will be discovering a lot of new things!

Check out the following link of geometry games, reviews, and quizzes!


We're moving to decimals as of October 16th.  Students will be learning how to identify the place value of decimals, compare and order decimals, and add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals. 

Check out the following DECIMAL SORTING GAME! 


We've now learned how patterns and algebra are related.  We've determined the patterns from an input/output table and written an expression for determining other numbers in the sequence.  Check out the following website for a FUNCTIONS game that students can play!  



Over the next few weeks we will learn about variables, expressions, one & two-step equations, and inequalities. 

After we learn how to solve 2-step equations by Friday, October 3rd, students will enjoy playing Algebra Planet Blaster where they solve for the variable and blast the Planet with the correct answer.  Some negative numbers are on this website which students are not expected to know how to solve.  Game:


Order of Operations & Properties of Addition/Mult.

Click the links below to take a short quiz using the Order of Operations and Properties of Addition and Multiplication!

We learned the first week of school how to use the S.O.L.V.E. method to solve word problems.  Students study and organize the problem, line up a plan, verify their plan, and evaluate what they've done.  

Students have been given a purple S.O.L.V.E. handout to keep in their binders for this school year.